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Browser Requirements

We support the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Microsft Edge, Brave and any browsers with a Chromium-based core. Firefox is not supported at this time. But before you start, make sure you have the latest version of your browser.

GPU Acceleration

Make sure WebGL and/or WebGL2 is enabled in your browser. You can check this by going to If WebGL is not enabled, you will see a red warning. If WebGL is enabled, you will see a green checkmark.

Also you can check the performance of following benchmark script. If the benchmark of GPU is faster than CPU, WebGL is enabled.

If not enabled, please enable it. If you are using Chrome, you can enable it by going to chrome://flags/#ignore-gpu-blacklist and enable the flag. If you are using Safari, you can enable it by going to Safari > Preferences > Advanced > Show Develop menu in menu bar and enable WebGL 2.0.

WebGL Config

Local Storage and Cookies

Make sure your browser allows local storage and cookies. You can check this by going to If local storage and cookies are not enabled, you will see a red warning. If local storage and cookies are enabled, you will see a green checkmark.