As a scientific programming language, all the usual matrix operations are supported by Hedgehog Script. The matrix is a two-dimensional array of numbers. The matrix is created by the mat()
function or Mat()
class constructor.
Create a matrix
You can create a matrix by the mat()
function or Mat()
class constructor. The mat()
function is a shortcut (or a wrapper function) for the Mat()
class constructor.
The Mat()
class constructor accept the following arguments:
Mat(input: number[][] | number[] | number)
param input
- the input data for the matrix, which means you can create a matrix by passing a two-dimensional array of numbers(as an M-by-N matrix), a one-dimensional array of numbers(as a 1-by-N matrix), or a single number(as a 1-by-1 matrix).
the mat()
function and Mat()
class constructor have the same parameters, but the mat()
function is more convenient to use.
Here is an example of creating a matrix by the mat()
function and Mat()
class constructor:
Create certain types of matrix with built-in functions
Also here are a list of built-in functions for creating certain types of matrix:
csv2mat(csv: string): Mat
- create a matrix from a CSV string
mat2csv(mat: Mat): string
- create a CSV string from a matrix
json2mat(json: string): Mat
- create a matrix from a JSON string
mat2json(mat: Mat): string
- create a JSON string from a matrix
zeros(m: number, n?: number): Mat
- create an m-by-m or m-by-n matrix of zeros
ones(m: number, n?: number): Mat
- create an m-by-m or m-by-n matrix of ones
Ns(m: number, n?: number, N:number): Mat
- create an m-by-m or m-by-n matrix of given number N
diag(v: number[]): Mat
- create a diagonal matrix from a vector
eye(m: number, n?: number): Mat
- create an m-by-m or m-by-n identity matrix
random(m: number, n?: number): Mat
- create an m-by-m or m-by-n matrix of random numbers
range(start: number, end = null, step?: number): Mat
- create a 1-by-N matrix of numbers from start to end with a step.
- create a 1-by-x matrix of numbers from 0 to x-1range(x, y)
- create a 1-by-(y-x) matrix of numbers from x to y-1range(x, y, z)
- create a 1-by-ceil((y-x)/z) matrix of numbers from x to y-1 with a step of z
Matrix operations
Most of the matrix operations are supported and overloaded by Hedgehog Script, like the +
, -
, *
, /
, **
operators -- which means you can use the Matlab-flavored operators to do matrix operations and expressions.
Reference of Mat()
Here are the reference of Mat()
Member variables
val: number[][]
- the value (2D array of number) of the matrix
rows: number
- the number of rows of the matrix
cols: number
- the number of columns of the matrix
mode: string
- the mode of the matrix, which can be:
(GPU acceleration)'cpu'
(CPU mode)'wasm'
(wasm mode)
- the number of digits to display when printing the matrix
Member functions
- clear the matrix
clone() : Mat
- clone the current matrix
copy(mat: Mat)
- copy the value of another matrix to the current matrix
equals(mat: Mat): boolean
- check if the current matrix is equal to another matrix
init(input: number[][]): Mat
- initialize the matrix
min(): number
- get the minimum value of the matrix
max(): number
- get the maximum value of the matrix
range(arg1: number, arg2: number|null, step = 1): Mat
- create a 1-by-N matrix of numbers from arg1 to arg2 with a step.
Ns(row: number, col: number, N: number): Mat
- set the value of the matrix to a given number N
zeros(row: number, col: number): Mat
- set the value of the matrix to zeros
ones(row: number, col: number): Mat
- set the value of the matrix to ones
diag(v: number[]): Mat
- set the value of the matrix to a diagonal matrix from a vector
eye(row: number, col: number): Mat
- set the value of the matrix to an identity matrix
random(row: number, col: number): Mat
- set the value of the matrix to a matrix of random numbers
T(): Mat
- transpose the matrix
transpose(): Mat
- transpose the matrix
each(functor: (element:number) => number): Mat
- apply a functor to each element of the matrix
add(mat: Mat): Mat
- add another matrix to the current matrix
addScalar(scalar: number): Mat
- add a scalar to the current matrix
minus(mat: Mat): Mat
- subtract another matrix from the current matrix
multiply(mat: Mat): Mat
- multiply another matrix to the current matrix
multiplyScalar(scalar: number): Mat
- multiply a scalar to the current matrix
minusScalar(scalar: number): Mat
- subtract a scalar from the current matrix
dotMultiply(mat: Mat): Mat
- dot multiply another matrix to the current matrix
divide(mat: Mat): Mat
- divide the current matrix by another matrix
set(row: number, col: number, value: number): Mat
- set the value of a given element of the matrix
get(row: number, col: number): number
- get the value of a given element of the matrix
at(row: number, col: number): number
- get the value of a given element of the matrix
to2DArray(): number[][]
- convert the matrix to a 2D array of number
row(row: number): Mat
- get a row of the matrix as an N-by-1 matrix
col(col: number): Mat
- get a column of the matrix as an 1-by-N matrix
reshape(row: number, col: number): Mat
- reshape the matrix to a given size
subMatrix(rowStart: number, rowEnd: number, colStart: number, colEnd: number): Mat
- get a sub-matrix of the current matrix
resize(row: number, col: number, defaultFillingValue = 0): Mat
- resize the matrix to a given size
Rows(rowStart: number, rowEnd: number): Mat
- get a sub-matrix of the current matrix
Cols(colStart: number, colEnd: number): Mat
- get a sub-matrix of the current matrix
ColVector(col: number): Mat
- get a column of the matrix as an 1-by-N matrix
Row(row: number): Mat
- get a row of the matrix as an N-by-1 matrix
Col(col: number): Mat
- get a column of the matrix as an 1-by-N matrix
squareSum(): number
- get the square sum of the matrix
setDigits(digits: number): Mat
- set the number of digits to display when printing the matrix
toString(): string
- convert the matrix to a string
toStirngWithTab(): string
- convert the matrix to a string with tab
toCsv(): string
- convert the matrix to a csv string
toJson(): string
- convert the matrix to a json string
toTex(): string
- convert the matrix to a tex string
log(): Mat
- print the object in the console terminal (for debugging)
appendInRow(mat: Mat): Mat
- append another matrix in the row of the current matrix
appendInColumn(mat: Mat): Mat
- append another matrix in the column of the current matrix